Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quotation from "The Martian Chronicles"

"Now I'm insane."

    A bemused Martian psychologist says, after realizing that the "hallucinations" didn't disappear even after their engenderer was killed. 

     Changing one's belief is not an easy task. It's even harder to change one's perception on a “fact” that had been taken for granted. However, people who defy and disprove these prevalent ideas actually exist. For example, Albert Einstein subverted the Newtonian mechanics, which was a principle that people doubtlessly extoled and utilized, by introducing theory of relativity. Also, Nicholaus Copernicus undermined the geocentric model, a prevalently believed representation of the solar system, by presenting a heliocentric model. These two scientists made a breakthrough by suspecting, rather than accommodating, the so-called-facts that they were steeped in ever since they were born. These kinds of people are the ones who can really change the world.

Unlike Einstein and Copernicus, this Martian psychologist conforms to the general idea that people claiming that they’re from Earth are insane. Even after looking, touching, smelling, tasting the rocket, he persistently claims that the captain is a crazy Martian. These kinds of people are the ones who bring stagnation to the society. These kinds of people will live a mediocre life wearing mediocre clothes, enjoy mediocre entertainments, producing mediocre ideas.

     We must enlighten ourselves. Let’s wake up.

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