Sunday, September 16, 2012

three generation "athletics" competition

As the chief of the Department of Physical Education (D.P.E.), I cooperated with chief P.E. teacher Jung-Mira to plan “Three-Generation Athletics Competition” which was to be held on 9/15. This event was the first official school event that I took in charge of throughout my seventeen years of life. When I was first assigned to this onerous task, I was worried because every member of D.P.E. malingered whenever I ordered them to work. However, their actions were understandable because only work that D.P.E. did was setting up chairs for various ceremonies and to most of the members including myself, setting up chairs didn’t seem worthwhile. It seemed as if there was no way that I could encourage members of D.P.E. to work with passion.

     With a bit of apprehension left on my head, I began setting up programs for the competition. Last year’s Three-Generation Athletics Competition was very unsuccessful because majority of students could not participate in major events such as basketball, soccer and relay. I tried to form a competition which everyone could participate in. So, I extirpated all the elite sports such as basketball and soccer. Instead, I added team sports such as 공 튀기기. Also, I included somewhat bizarre obstacles in relay so that running fast is not a problem but passing the obstacles is.

     Another problem of last year’s competition was that it failed to make students cooperate. Since students had no actual reason to cheer for their team because nothing came back to them even if their team won and most of the sports weren’t very fun unlike watching professional players play. To solve this problem, I modified all the two-sided competition into a class-to-class competition and gave materialistic rewards instead of scores so that students could at least cheer for their own class to win the prize money.

     After planning all the events and recruiting players from each class, it was time for me to confront the final ordeal – encouraging members of D.P.E. to do their assigned job. First, I gathered all the members of D.P.E. by threatening them with penalty points. Then, I explained the significance of this competition on D.P.E. by explaining that it’s the only work that D.P.E. does other than setting up chairs, and for the D.P.E. to be assigned more meaningful works in the future, we must show that we can work out these official sport events with finesse. I tried to make them imagine a day when students actually look forward to another sport competition, a day when D.P.E. could be appreciated for its work just like other departments, a day when they could feel proud of their own department. But I failed to persuade the disinterested members; maybe I wasn’t eloquent enough. So I wrapped up the meeting by forcibly assigning tasks to each member one by one. Although my primary plan to make the members work actively mostly failed, I did succeed to persuade two members – a girl and a boy from the 17th wave. They told me that they were moved, watching me fighting alone to make this competition successful.

     I changed my plan; Instead of making members of D.P.E. servile followers by giving an impressive speech, I would rather inspire them to work along with me by working harder than anybody else at the site. This method seemed fit for both my character and environment; I was inarticulate and only two members of D.P.E. were ardently supporting me.

     On the D-day, Just like I planned, me and my two loyal co-workers worked and worked, ran and ran, shouted and shouted all morning. Watching us passionately work, one or two members of P.D.E. started to say “is there anything else I could help you with?” I was surprised, because among those members who wanted to help me out, there was a member who kept on saying “this thing is shit” all the time. Eventually, most of the members started working. With the help of other members, I was able to carry this complicated and condensed event all the way to the closing ceremony without even a slightest problem.

    After cleaning everything up with D.P.E. members, I sat on a hill. Under the blue sky, students were gathered together in classes and were eating chicken. They were laughing. It was such a sight – I regret not taking picture of the scene. Looking at the scenery, something crawled up to my throat. It was from somewhere deep down. I started crying. I cannot forget that moment. The days I skipped sleeping to create documentations of this competition, the moment students chastised my plan, the words that the two seventeenth waver told me went through my brain like a panorama.

     I reclined on the hill, looked up to the blue sky, and smiled.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quotation from "The Martian Chronicles"

"Now I'm insane."

    A bemused Martian psychologist says, after realizing that the "hallucinations" didn't disappear even after their engenderer was killed. 

     Changing one's belief is not an easy task. It's even harder to change one's perception on a “fact” that had been taken for granted. However, people who defy and disprove these prevalent ideas actually exist. For example, Albert Einstein subverted the Newtonian mechanics, which was a principle that people doubtlessly extoled and utilized, by introducing theory of relativity. Also, Nicholaus Copernicus undermined the geocentric model, a prevalently believed representation of the solar system, by presenting a heliocentric model. These two scientists made a breakthrough by suspecting, rather than accommodating, the so-called-facts that they were steeped in ever since they were born. These kinds of people are the ones who can really change the world.

Unlike Einstein and Copernicus, this Martian psychologist conforms to the general idea that people claiming that they’re from Earth are insane. Even after looking, touching, smelling, tasting the rocket, he persistently claims that the captain is a crazy Martian. These kinds of people are the ones who bring stagnation to the society. These kinds of people will live a mediocre life wearing mediocre clothes, enjoy mediocre entertainments, producing mediocre ideas.

     We must enlighten ourselves. Let’s wake up.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

You and Your Brother(9/16 revision)

Right after dinner, you and your brother went outside to play. You were an exuberant third grader, and your brother was a big-sized fifth grader. You surreptitiously picked up a large wooden stick which was as long as your height and then lunged towards your brother with your devastating weapon. 

However, your vigilant brother adroitly evaded your attack and pushed you with vehemence. You lost balance, and fell down to the ground. You got a scratch on your leg. You moaned. To make sure that he won, your merciless brother kept on kicking you. However, at that humiliating moment, you, shouting like a beast, grabbed his right leg and then pulled it. Your brother plummeted on the ground like an enervated tyrannosaur. You kicked his right arm as hard as you can. Your brother moaned. However, unlike your brother, you couldn't kick him too many times. You seemed afraid. You seemed aware of what’s going to happen after your brother stands up. 

You kept on running away, although your brother was still lying on the ground. Hiding behind the bush, you peeked through the leaves and spectated your brother’s actions. He stood up. He looked around. He, somehow, locked his eyes on the bush you were hiding behind. He ran towards your little bunker. You, with a frightened face, ran as fast as you could. Through the cars, bikes bushes, trees, you, screaming for mercy, ran and ran, striving to survive and your brother, laughing viciously, chased you like a voracious cheetah. As you were running, your pants were already “wet” before you even realized it. 

Your heart was beating like never before, your legs were fatigue, your eyesight started to enclose. Just when you stopped and looked around you, you found out that your brother was gone. You, satisfied with victory over your brother on the epic marathon, sat down and evened your hasty breath. After about five minutes, you stood back up and headed to your house. But all of a sudden, your brother popped up from the bush and then chased his exhausted prey. It was all over. He grabbed the tip of your t-shirt. To survive, you dexterously took off your t-shirt and left it in your brother’s grasp. You kept running and running, all the way to the river. Looking at the calm river and back at your irritated brother, you dived into the river without a hesitation. You were really bad at swimming, having hard time to even keep your head above the water. Your brother was looking at you with a grimace. Just when you were teasing your brother for being a sissy, you got a cramp on your leg and you fell deep into the river screaming “Cramp!” 
Your frightened brother, who had hesitated to dive in when you were teasing, dived into the river immediately and grasped your arm. You were screaming even inside the water, because of pain from both lack of oxygen and cramp. When your brother dived in and caught your arm, you stared at your savior and then fainted. 

After a few hours, you woke up on your bed. Your leg still ached, and your breath was uneven. Beside you, your brother had been sleeping, sitting on a chair. Your brother said, “Feelin’ OK bro?” Your brother only said one sentence, but you cried, hugging your brother saying, “Thanks.” 

From that day, you knew that your brother was someone you could always trust on. Also, actions that are inspired by true love and friendship are what it takes to make people touched and to make people trust you.

credits to Sung Yoo Sun for correcting my grammatical errors